Sorry for not getting this last post up! Time has been flying lately, especially with Jason and I getting ready to make our cross country move. It is hard to believe come next week we will be in Florida!
This is the final post in my Whole30 plan, and as you can probably tell from glancing ahead, there is no plan for the final two days. I want you to explore more recipes or make your favorites from the plan for the next two days. Soon you will have to be on your own and hopefully your relationship with food has improved in the past month. By making your own meal plan to end your Whole30, you are preparing yourself for the future. You are getting yourself geared up to continue this healthy lifestyle in a way that is customized to you and your family. So go a little crazy these last couple days! If you find a recipe you like, share it! I am always looking for new recipes because you can never have too many. Unless you ask my husband, because he finds my printed out recipes everywhere ;)
If this round of Whole30 didn't go the way you wanted to, don't be afraid to try to do it again. Or if you are feeling that tiger blood flowing and don't want to stop, then don't! This is all about you and your health, enjoy learning about yourself! Doesn't hurt that you get to eat yummy food in the process.